Let's Work Together
Let's Work Together

Coming Soon

Egyptian Game Developers Xcelerate

Who we are ?

The Egyptian Game Development Xcelerate (EGDX) aims to foster a vibrant and collaborative game development community in Egypt. Our services include a monthly magazine, monthly showcase meetups, investor connections, and various other resources to support and grow the game development industry in Egypt.



Our mission is to provide access to the industry and investors, promote awareness of game development, and build a strong, self-sustaining community that supports game developers at all levels.

Passion leads to success

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Let's work together!

We welcome you to contact us for more information about any of our services.

Let’s Be Together

When we work together, we combine our strengths, solve problems more effectively, and achieve greater success.

Let’s Collaborate

Through collaboration, we harness diverse perspectives, leading to more innovative solutions.

Let’s Success Together

When we join forces, our shared efforts lead to greater accomplishments and mutual growth.

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